Endangered Landscape Partnership Monitoring Framework

To provide evidence that each landscape restoration project has achieved (or is making good progress towards achieving) its stated outcomes –by providing reliable information according to a common framework that builds an evidence base that can be shared across a community of practice and with decision-makers. This will enable learning from landscape restoration projects during a project’s life-time and in the longer term. To monitor the progress of individual projects during implementation –to ensure that they are on track with delivery of planned outputs and outcomes, and to guide the efficient allocation of resources. This supports the strategic implementation of activities as part of an adaptive management approach. To track the Key Performance Measures of the Endangered Landscapes Programme in order to account and demonstrate its overall impact (of the portfolio of projects) to donors and decision-makers
Is this an existing or new approach to measuring landscape change?: 
Aspect of landscape: 
Spatial coverage: 
Any degraded landscapes in need of restoration
Geographical unit: 
Landscape scale restoration
Frequency of measure: 
Ecosystem goods and services
Similar to the LCA guidance, this is not a prescriptive monitoring approach but it is useful because it seeks to monitor the ecosystem goods and services as a means of understanding the restoration progress for a landscape scale approach.
Establishment cost: 
Medium (additional staff time and limited cash up to £15k)
Data source: 
Through a range of indicators and focused on using readily available indicators
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